First steps on that glistening sheet of ice can be akin to trying to walk upon an iced-over pond with boots made of soap. For people diving into this exciting and quick sport of hockey, several basic skills need to be developed. Before you start to worry about how to win or even get free sports picks, let’s learn to do the basics without doing the perfect interpretive dance every time one falls. Here’s a playbook for your maiden voyage into hockey.

It’s less about racing down the ice as if you are being chased by a polar bear and more about stability. Practice your balance first: glide, don’t stomp; take shorter strides as if almost sneaking toward the fridge at midnight so you don’t wake anyone up. The better you feel on the skates, the more you can handle the puck and those flying elbows.
Hold the stick with both hands and let the stick flow just below waist height. Flick your wrists as if turning a resistant doorknob and let the puck dance on the edge of the blade. Remember, smooth and quick beats spastic and complex anytime. With a bit of skating, make practice moving the puck as you skate. That gives it some oomph to a game.
Speaking of the puck, shooting is the time to be a sniper. First, master the wrist shots where precision will be your byword. Visualize trying to get to that cookie jar mom always keeps on the top shelf of the pantry cabinet. Follow through with the shot keeping in mind not with just the eyes but the whole body is aiming at the point. After comfortable with the wrist shot, introduce the slap shots, wild powerful, yet needs control. Picture your cracking a whip without tangling yourself up!
And finally, there is teamwork. Communicate with your teammates yell, gesture, even grunt if you have to. Knowing where they are will help in circulating the puck and avoid you skating around like a headless chicken.