Carpet Conundrums: How to Clean-Here’s What Every North Shore Resident Should Know

Other advantages that come along in staying on the North Shore include the sceneries, the serenity of the beaches, among others. However, homes with carpets are always at war, juxtaposed between dirt and stains. To the Carpet Cleaning North Shore enthusiasts, saving a few bucks and getting those carpets cleaned can be quite a victory dance. Read more?

Below are some of those handy hacks ideal in taking on the nastiest of footprints or that hated spill of red wine.

Okay, let’s get real for a minute: you’re having this truly fabulous dinner party, and it happens-the inevitable-one of your guests tips their glass, and the red wine manages to make that crimson splash onto your beige carpet.

Rush to baking soda and white vinegar right away. These are now your best friends. You’ll start to hear some fizzing, and that is just the magic of the science right there. After it has completely dried, vacuum off the rest. That ugly stain could just be a memory now.

Next up: tackle that beast known as pet hair. We love them, they are family-but their hair seems to insert itself right through our carpets and become unwanted house guests. Here is where the humble squeegee steps in; no, it is no longer for just the windows. Just rub a squeegee over the carpet with quick, short strokes. Watch in surprise as the pet hair is lifted right off the fibers. Oddly enough, it will actually be satisfying to watch as it gathers together in a tumbleweed sort of fashion.

To those who cannot escape the cruel claws of coffee spills, here comes a cleaning solution. Use a clean cloth with this solution to blot-but never scrub-the stain. After so many battles, the stubbornness of the stain will wave its white flag.

Carpet Cleaners North Shore
119 Fiddens Wharf Rd, Killara NSW 2071
(02) 8310 7640